Formberry vs. Typeform: What do small businesses love in 2024?

5 mins read

To the reader who is exploring form and survey builders, and to Typeform users:

Can we agree that Typeform and Google Forms are not the same?

Sure, they both collect data. But the default layouts are very different and come with their own set of pro’s and con’s.

We won’t dive into them in this blog post, but to help you understand, Typeform only offers the multi-step form journey where as Google Forms only offers the standard linear layout.

Here is a visualization:

If you’re using Typeform or Google Forms in 2024, you are limited to a single layout.

The good news is, Formberry allows users to toggle between both layouts.

The ability to choose between layouts can serve as a metaphor for this blog post.

You have options.

So who is Typeform?

For those not familiar, Typeform is a top online form building software founded in Barcelona in 2012. 

They have raised over $180 million to date and backed by top venture capital firms.

While Typeform has done amazing things in the category, after a decade of operational changes and millions in capital injection, the sentiment toward online form builders is changing.

Businesses are searching for more affordable alternatives.

Typeform has acquired significant market share (about 24%), and yields serious power in the world of data collection online.

In G2’s Grid for enterprise form building solutions, Typeform ranks among the top, alongside SurveyMonkey, Jotform and MS Forms.

Their G2 listing states their user base is made up of 63% small-business, 29% mid-market, and the rest enterprises.

But is the % of small businesses starting to shrink? Are small businesses happy with Typeform in 2024?

We ran a social media sentiment analysis and noticed a trend occurring on X.

We noticed hundreds of user complaints, specifically in regards to pricing and feature limitations.

Here is a very small sample of what we found:

Query ‘typeform pricing’ or ‘typeform expensive’ on X and you will find hundreds (maybe thousands) of grievances.

Furthermore, upon looking to our friends over at Gartner Digital Markets, we noticed Typeform’s Capterra profile has a few pro’s and con’s that help encapsulate sentiment toward Typeform in 2024.

After conducting research into the historical market landscape, pricing and positioning, insights from customers –– we learned a lot.

Before I dive into our direct comparison, a few things were very clear:

  1. Typeform is a great form builder, always will be.
  2. Typeform is expensive. Even for medium-size businesses (but especially for SMBs).
  3. Sentiment toward Typeform is trending negative (individuals and SMB’s feel locked out by pricing and features).
  4. New form builders are giving Typeform a serious run for their money, offering more affordable options with 100% feature parity.

Pricing Analysis

To get a real sense of Typeform’s pricing plans, make sure to shop around and compare other form builders. 

It’s helpful to benchmark other options, that way you can make the best decision for you and your business. And perhaps even save some cash!

But here is a detailed overview of Typeform’s pricing followed by a deep dive on feature specs included in each plan.

As you can see from this preview, the limitations and pricing can be brutal for those on little to no budget.

You can check out their pricing page on their website to learn more.

Feature Specs

Typeform is free for-never!

For starters, let’s review what’s included in the free plan.

  • Unlimited Forms: Build as many forms (Typeforms) as you need.
  • Free Plan Included: Get started for free with 1 user and 10 responses per month.
  • Logic & Automation: Show relevant questions, calculate scores, and personalize the experience with logic jumps and hidden fields.
  • Custom Endings & Follow-Ups: Craft unique endings based on responses and send automated follow-up emails.
  • Easy Sharing & Data Export: Embed Typeforms anywhere and download your results in spreadsheets for analysis.
  • Integrations & Developer Tools: Connect Typeform with popular tools like Zapier, Google Sheets, and more. Build custom forms using our APIs.

While it all works really well, the major complaints we hear about the free plan, and key reasons users are migrating to Formberry are the following:

  • Limited to 10 responses per month
  • Limited to 1 user
  • No custom subdomain or URL
  • Limited customization

Beyond the free plan, you can find full feature specs for paid plans in the screenshot below.

You can locate these feature specs on Typeform’s pricing page on their website.

Comparing Formberry

Now let’s compare Formberry.

First off, Formberry’s free forever plan includes unlimited responses, unlimited users, a custom subdomain and access to basic customization.

Typeform’s free plan offers only 10 responses per month, 1 seat, no custom subdomain until $50/month (plus) plan, and limited access to customization.

Want to add your logo? You must upgrade to the basic plan.

Want a custom URL? Only on the enterprise plan!

Want 3 seats? Pay $50/month.

The list goes on…

So the free forever plans are completely different.

Formberry’s pricing plans and specs aim to democratize online form building software for small businesses, making it more affordable than ever before.

This included architecting a genuine free forever plan that includes much of what the best form builders offer on their paid tiers.

Beyond comparing and contrasting the mechanics of both free forever plans, paid tiers are also quite different.

Formberry’s paid plans are 40% less expensive than Typeform’s. And Formberry’s paid plans are packed with the same value you’ll see on Typeforms highest tiers.

Again, to help you visualize the comparison:

Closing Thoughts

Here’s the deal: Typeform is a great product in many regards. They pioneered the multi-step form layout and remain a trailblazer in the online form building category even in 2024.

So we’re not saying Typeform is bad for all small businesses, or any business for that matter.

In their earliest stages, they relied heavily on small businesses, and still do to a degree.

But after significant growth, things have changed.

After a detailed 2024 analysis, taking into account the current macro economic environment, we’ve concluded that businesses are searching for more affordable alternatives.

They want fast, simple and easy.

With the emergence of new form builders that have 90-100% feature parity, we’re expecting to see more users migrate away from legacy builders.

Because it’s becoming lower cost to build software, it’s becoming increasingly obvious that many businesses overcharge users, while there are identical solutions at a lower price.

So with that said, while many small business still use Typeform, their pricing plans are not as conducive to small businesses as they are to medium-enterprise businesses anymore.

New form builders are offering unlimited responses, a custom URL and branding options on the free plan –– which is driving down costs in the market.

This is great news for businesses.

We estimate thousands of Typeform customers have an opportunity to see significant cost savings if migrated to a newer, lower cost alternative.

More affordable alternatives do exist.

There are plenty of options to choose from.

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